Go Animate Yourself, Buddy

Searching, as I do, for a non-useless application, I was thrilled to find GoAnimate! To put it simply, the app lets you create your own animation which can be a real blast. The app has some serious programming behind it and provides a ton of fun if you have time to play around.
GoAnimate Facebook Application
You get to pick from a bunch of pre-made images, settings, items, speech bubbles, music, animations and special effects, and you can customize them however you want. You then animate your frames and make some funny stuff go down. The app has a political bend, with tons of politically charged characters to choose from like “Barack O.” and “Hilary C.” but you can also upload your own images or borrow uploaded images from others in the community.
After you’re finished with your animations, you can share them with the community. Honestly, his application might be the absolute coolest thing I’ve seen on Facebook so far.
I’m not nearly creative enough… but if you make something funny let us see in a comment!


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