How others will hack your Facebook account

By now we probably have scared you away because the amount of things you haven’t done to protect yourself from the age of the social media world. However, you may find this to be much easier to digest now than when something goes wrong. By now you should be careful about what to enter into your Facebook profile and status. However, how do you exactly use Facebook? Are you ones than roam around installing every applications you could get your hands on, playing every game online that’s available?
One popular exploit in Facebook is the sharing of information with apps. These plugins are often fun to play with because it extends what Facebook could do. Superwall, Superpoke, Vampires are some of the most popular apps. What you don’t know is that no all apps are friendly in nature.
The BBC news in London isn’t the first that exposes the risk of applications. By creating an application that you can forward to your friends to accept, you can be lured into trouble. You - by accepting an application, you are vulnerable because you’re likely to be sharing all your information with the application, thereby giving away all your information to strangers without even knowing.

How do you deal with this?
Now I won’t want to go as far as telling you not to open any applications. Afterall, this would deprive you of your fun with Facebook, wouldn’t it? However, there’re things you should be aware of:
1. Check out the app first. Check to ensure it’s a popular app instead of just any app. Check the rating and read the reviews first. That way, it reduces the chance that this is a trojan app.

2. Think and re-think if you’re willing to share all your information with this application. Alot of apps requires you to grant access to your information, if you are not comfortable, then the best thing to do is not to add the app.

3. Remove any app that you no longer use. Chances are these apps are staled because some apps can be buggy or no longer operational. You simply don’t know why they’re no longer being maintained. As a result, it’s far better to remove these as soon as possible to avoid information to continued to stream to the other side.
Although Facebook prohibits developer from storing user information, this is not a guarantee that developers won’t store or re-use these information. As such, you need to be careful all the time. Of course, if you have entered very little information inside, you’ll likely to have less trouble.


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